MollTi Taper

The new Mollti-Taper System is a heavy duty, economical taping system which provides high quality folding, gluing, taping and finishing capabilities. The tape Application Machine offers simple solutions for applying finger lift or double-sided tap to a wide range of finished products. The Mollti Taper system has a built-in registration system to ensure that each item is taped with accuracy. It is capable of running in line with an existing feeder and of running up to four tape heads. The set-up time between jobs is less than a few minutes. The Mollti-Taper has capabilities for finishing Table Talkers, Shelf Talkers, Wobblers, Signage, Strut Cards, Tent Cards, Posters, Pocket Folders, Envelopes, Record Sleeves and much more.

Mollti Taper at Anglo Printers

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